Lines header

Toon and sketch lines shader style

Table of contents
  1. Toon and sketch lines shader style
    1. Style breakdown
    2. Tutorials
    3. Attribute breakdown
      1. Ambient Occlusion
        1. AO Blend Mode
        2. AO Radius
        3. AO Strength
      2. Atmospheric Effects
        1. Atmosphere Tint
        2. Atmosphere Range
      3. Toon Lines
        1. Line Intensity
        2. Line Width
        3. Line Width Max
        4. Line Width Range
        5. Line Width Factor
        6. Line Density
        7. Line Color
        8. Line Coloration
        9. Line Light Response
      4. Sketch Lines
        1. Sketch Type
        2. Sketch Intensity
        3. Sketchiness
        4. Sketchiness Max
        5. Sketchiness Frequency
        6. Sketchiness Phase
        7. Sketch Density
        8. Sketch Color
        9. Sketch Coloration
        10. Sketch Light Response
      5. Advanced Controls
        1. Depth Edge Threshold
        2. Flow Edge Threshold
        3. Color Edge Threshold
        4. Lighting Edge Blend
      6. Others
        1. Pigment Density
        2. Paper Granulation
        3. Drybrush Threshold
        4. Drybrush color

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Style breakdown

The toon and sketch shader style is all about generating lines for all kinds of linework to outline the form of 3D geometry. From clean lines to the more rough sketch lines, you can control and art-direct them to match your artwork. The shader style also provides other painterly effects often found using traditional painting media such as pigment turbulence, canvas granulation and dry-brush.

3D model and animation by Adrian Cojocaru

The lines in the toon and sketch shader style are generated from three different types of data: color, normals and depth. So, whenever there is a high enough difference between neighboring pixels of the specific data type, a line is generated. This line is then dilated to become wider or narrower and offset from its original position in the case of sketch lines.

This shader style depends on the Flair material, which can be assigned onto any mesh object. The material embeds painterly reflectance models and supports the art-direction framework of Flair. The material also contains a Animated setting attribute, which allows to attach sketch line offsets to animated objects.

The toon and sketch line shader style may not have all features that you need. So please let us know if we can help polish the look exactly to your requirements and pipeline.


Tutorial Series - All about Toon Lines in Flair for Maya
Tutorial Series - All about Sketch Lines in Flair for Maya

Attribute breakdown

In this section, we only document global attributes specific toon and sketch lines shader style. To learn more about other global attributes, please refer to the globals node documentation.

Style attributes
Style attributes in the configuration node

Ambient Occlusion

Ambient Occlusion (AO) darkens the image in areas that are hard to reach for the ambient light due to the local shape of the geometry (e.g. concavities, crevices, holes). Note that this effect depends only on the geometry (and the viewpoint, to a lesser extent), and not on the lights present in the scene.

Flair currently uses a screen-space implementation of ambient occlusion based on the Ground-Truth Ambient Occlusion algorithm (GTAO).

AO Blend Mode

Defines how the computed ambient occlusion is applied on the final image.

  • None: AO is not applied.
  • Multiply: the AO is multiplied over the image.
  • Color Burn: same as above, except that the AO is blended over the image using the Color Burn blending mode.
  • Style-specific: AO is applied by the current style, so the effect depends on the style implementation. (default)
    • With styles other than the Graph styles, the AO modulates the pigment density, resulting in darker colors in occluded areas.

AO Radius

The radius used by the ambient occlusion filter: larger radius results in larger darkened areas.

AO Strength

The strength of ambient occlusion: higher values make the ambient occlusion darker.

Atmospheric Effects

Atmospheric effects are useful to add atmospheric depth to bigger scenes by changing the color within a specific range.

Atmosphere Tint

Defines a custom atmospheric perspective color, making things at distance tint towards the specified color.

Atmosphere Range

Defines the range at which the atmospheric tint will start and end. Set these values high to not have the atmosphere range affecting your scene.

If you wish to exclude an object from the atmosphere tint affect (e.g., a background plane), enable the Final Color attribute in the Flair shader material assigned to that object.

The range is set for Maya units multiplied by the World Scale, consider this when setting up this attribute.

Toon Lines

Toon lines can be customized in terms of intensity, width and color. Coloring of toon lines happens in the following order: Density, Coloration, Light Response.

Line Intensity

Opacity of the generated lines. A lower intensity will make the toon lines more transparent.

Line intensity between 0 and 1.

As lines are generated at the middle of an edge, blending the intensity will reveal the edge underneath.

Line Width

Width of the generated toon and sketch lines. The width of lines can also be art-directed with VertexFX and NoiseFX.

Line width between 1 and 10.

Line Width Max

Defines the maximum width the generated toon and sketch lines may have.

Line Width Range

The depth range at which toon and sketch lines are widened or thinned in the scene. This attribute consists of four (4) values that define the different distances from the camera to modify the line width. From left to right: Close, Close Mid, Far Mid, Far.

Between the Close Mid and Far Mid distances, the global Line Width that has been set will apply. Beyond these distances towards the Close and Far depths, the global Line Width will be multiplied by the Line Width Factor, which is defined below.

The distances are relative to the World Scale global attribute. For example, if the world scale is of 100, a 1000 Maya unit distance will be 10 (1000/100). If the world scale is 1, a 1000 Maya unit distance will be 1000.

Line Width Range and Factor Illustration
Breakdown - Line Width Range and Line Width Factor

Line Width Factor

The factor to multiply the toon and sketch line width, depending on the distance to the camera defined in the Line Width Range. The first value is at Close distance and the second value is at Far distance.

Line width changes according to the Line Width Range and Line Width Factor.

You can set both of these values to 1.0 if you do not wish to modify the Line Width along the depth.

Line Density

The density of the line, whereas a value of 1 equals the object’s color. A higher density accumulates color making the line more saturated and darker. A lower density makes the line brighter.

Line density between 0 and 3.

To see the full effect, the Line Coloration and Line Light Response should be set to 0.

Line Color

Defines a custom global color for the lines. The amount of line coloration can be adjusted with the Line Coloration attribute below.

Changing toon line colors.

Line Coloration

The amount of Line Color that should be applied. This can also be art-directed with VertexFX and NoiseFX. A negative art-directed coloration will bring the line color back to the object’s original color.

Line coloration between 0 and 1 at a line density of 1.

Line Light Response

The influence lighting will have over the color of the line.

Line light response between 0 and 1.

You can also use lines with line light response to make rim lights.

Sketch Lines

Sketch lines can be customized in terms of number of sketch lines, intensity, width, sketchiness and color. To simplify control, the width control of sketch lines is shared with toon lines. The remaining controls are documented below.

Feature Noise attribute must be enabled in the Flair material to activate the sketch line(s) offset.

Sketch Type

The number of sketch lines that will be drawn.

Cycling through None, One line and Two lines.

Sketch Intensity

Opacity of the generated sketch line(s). A lower intensity will make the sketch lines more transparent. This can also be art-directed with VertexFX and NoiseFX.

Sketch line intensity between 0 and 1.


Offset of the sketch line(s) in relation to the outline. This can also be art-directed with VertexFX and NoiseFX. Materials should have the Feature Noise attribute enabled for sketchiness to work.

Sketchiness between 0 and 30.

Sketchiness Max

Maximum offset the generated sketch line(s) may have.

Sketchiness Frequency

Base frequency of the feature noise controlling the sketch offsets. A higher frequency will shorten the distance between the sketch line(s) peaks, whereas a lower frequency elongates the distance, resulting in smoother and longer waves. The frequency is directly linked to the global World Scale attribute.

Sketch frequency between 0 and 10.

Sketchiness Phase

Shifts the feature noise phase, creating new shapes of sketch line(s). Useful when you want a different sketchy deformation or want to vary the sketchiness on a frame-by-frame basis.

Sketch phase between 0 and 1.

As the sketch line(s) is generated from 3D noise, make sure to toggle the Animated attribute in materials if they are animated/deformed so that the sketch line(s) is baked in place.

Sketch Density

The density of the line, whereas a value of 1 equals the object’s color. A higher density accumulates color making the line more saturated and darker. A lower density makes the line brighter.

Sketch density between 0 and 3.

To see the full effect, the Sketch Coloration and Sketch Light Response should be set to 0.

Sketch Color

Defines a custom global color for the sketch line(s). The amount of sketch line(s) coloration can be adjusted with the Sketch Coloration attribute below.

Changing sketch line colors.

Sketch Coloration

How much the sketch line(s) should be of the set Sketch Color. This can also be art-directed with VertexFX and NoiseFX. A negative art-directed coloration will bring the sketch line(s) color back to the albedo.

Sketch coloration between 0 and 1 at a sketch density of 1.

Sketch Light Response

The influence lighting will have over the color of the sketch line(s).

Sketch light response between 0 and 1.

You can also use sketch lines with sketch light response to make sketchy rim lights.

Advanced Controls

To generate lines, we run an edge-detection algorithm on three different types of data: depth, normals and color. So, whenever there is a difference within neighboring pixels for each data type, an edge is extracted.

There is a specific limit to the difference in depth, normals, and color that needs to be exceeded to extract an edge. This limit, in technical terms, is called a threshold. Advanced controls give access to these thresholds to adjust the generated lines.

Depth Edge Threshold

Depth threshold at which a line from depth differences is generated. 0.001 will generate an edge on minuscule depth differences, a higher value will generate an edge only after a certain depth difference has been achieved. The depth threshold is directly linked to the global World Scale attribute so that the same values can be used at different world scales.

If Flow Edge Threshold and Color Edge Threshold are set to 1.0, a high Depth Edge Threshold will only show lines at silhouettes.

Flow Edge Threshold

Flow threshold at which a line from normal differences is generated. 0.001 will generate an edge on minuscule normal differences, whereas 1.0 will remove lines from normals altogether.

Normal maps change the normals and therefore also help generate edges at specific parts of objects.

Color Edge Threshold

Color threshold at which a line from color differences is generated. 0.001 will generate an edge on minuscule color differences, whereas 1.0 will remove lines from color altogether.

Having low color edge thresholds will make the edge detection quite sensitive to noise or grunge in textures.

Lighting Edge Blend

Amount of lighting within the color pass to generate edges from. At a Lighting Edge Blend of 0.0, the color will only consist of the albedo. At a Lighting Edge Blend of 1.0, lighting will be applied too the albedo, so edges can also be generated from cast shadows and shading.


Pigment Density

The concentration of pigments, giving the render either a diluted or a more saturated and darker look.

Pigment Density between 0.5 and 2

Paper Granulation

The accumulation of pigments on the valleys of the paper (canvas). Concentrates the pigments on the valleys and creates a more saturated and darker look.

Paper Granulation between -1 and 5

Drybrush Threshold

Sharpness of the drybrush application. Using a dry brush will only apply pigments to the peaks of the canvas, leaving the canvas color appear at the valleys of its profile.

Drybrush Threshold between 0 and 20

Drybrush color

Color of the drybrush application.

Different drybrush colors.